Sunday, April 7, 2013

Biz Redifine Success

I really appreciate how I can run or walk very fast and on the same time catch any ads or events on my way.“That is a nice ad. Oh have they started the timed writing yet? what does this ad mean? Wait a minute, do I smell coffee? Oh I need to have a cup of coffee” these were some of the random thoughts running in my mind while I was scurrying off to class on a nice Monday morning. 

Out of a sudden, all of these thoughts ran away like a bunch of rats followed by an aggressive hungry cat! I stopped in front of this weird, blue advertisement. “Does this ad say that one of the co-founder of twitter is coming to UT next week?” I excitingly said. In a matter of seconds, I posted a picture of the ad on facebook and Twitter and marked the event on my calender.
   On April 3, I was among the first to enter the Hogg Auditorium to attend Biz stone Lecture on Redefining Success. Starting by expressing his love for Austin, the audience became so loud and excited that it took Biz Stone several minutes to start his speech. Biz started his speech describing his childhood and how he grew up. Soon he emphasized the fact that life is a serious of chances. The chance you miss will not come back. As an example, he told us about how he dropped out of college when a new window of opportunity opened in front of him to work as designer in a small agency.

The Story of Biz Stone goes on to the point where he join Google in 2003 to work on Blogger project. It wasn’t long before he left Google with his friend to establish their own company. In 2006, Biz Stone , Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, and Evan Williams started working on their project that changed the world later, Twitter. A large portion of Biz’s speech was dedicated to this project; starting from how they got the idea until the challenges they are still facing today.
“To succeed spectacularly, be ready to fail spectacularly." was one of the sentences that Biz stone kept saying over and over again. He was trying to tell us that beginnings are always hard, and we should never ever give up. As a computer geek, it was a wonderful and inspiring meeting and I learned a lot from Biz stone.
Later that night I wrote a summary of the meeting on twitter to my Arabic friends. My tweets got a lot of attention and over a hundred retweets !

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