Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Finally I have my own blog

 If someone had asked me 2 months ago, what was the thing you had always wanted to do online? I would have said: "starting my own blog." Even my friends have always asked me to open a blog to write about my experience and my thoughts about living in the United States.For them, it is better than writing in twitter, where  they would disappear in a matter of minutes because of the uncountable number of tweets. Despite all that determination, I wasn't sure when I was going to start this journey! I guess I needed a little push! And here I am writing my sixth blog and in English!

Blogging is a new world that can't be understood unless one participate and become a part of it. I have a read alot amazing Arabic blogs and they helped me understood a lot of things regarding my major, computer science, or general topics that interest me. However, it never crossed my mind how difficult that can be! By difficult I mean, to keep the same pace of posting new posts and never give up! Especially, if your blog is a general blog that has audience from different cultures, interests and unique ways of thinking. This is the challenging that I'm facing in this blog! I right mostly to my classmates in an ESL class! that means writing about topics like deep computer science topics that interests me or my thoughts and ideas about some events that happen in my country these days, won't interest my classmates.Coming up with an idea that would be interesting to them is sometimes a challenge and that what makes writing in my current blog somehow difficult.

Overall, it was  a good experience that helped me a lot! not only to start free writing, but to get insight on how others write and format their blogs. Reading my classmates' blogs  have helped me to know them better and understand the way they think and how their cultures affect their lives.

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